Preserving the Ocean: a priority goal | Superyacht News
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Preserving the Ocean: a priority goal


Preserving the Ocean: a priority goal

On the occasion of the third MONACO OCEAN WEEK to be held at the end of March, it was decided that a full day would be devoted to the 9th Environmental Symposium of the Yacht Club de Monaco, on the theme: "Yachting, Laboratory of the Future and Vehicle for the Preservation of the Ocean".

The Principality of Monaco has been committed to the preservation of the Ocean for more than a century. In 1911, Prince Albert 1st created the Institute of Oceanography after embarking on the first of his 28 oceanographic campaigns in 1885. In 2006, the international Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation was created. “To save our planet, to change a system that is gradually destroying it, we need all the ideas, all the determination and all the means that can be mobilized... It is our responsibility,” declared the Sovereign Prince Albert II.


Among the many actions dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of the Ocean for future generations, the Principality is therefore organising the third MONACO OCEAN WEEK from 24th to 30th March, including the 9th Environmental Symposium on Thursday 28th March. This week will be dedicated to the major issues of the Ocean. This very international event will bring together scientists, experts, NGOs, and civil society. Thursday 28th March will be dedicated to the Yacht Club de Monaco, on the initiative of its General Secretary, Bernard d'Alessandri, who wishes to mobilize as a priority the captains of superyachts and their crews, as well as the owners of large yachts cruising around the world. This approach is in line with the fundamental values of the Yacht Club:

  • Report back/gather information about innovations and their effectiveness;
  • Exchange/discuss ongoing developments and future trends;
  • Raise awareness of owners & captains of the need to protect the Ocean and its
    biodiversity in the spirit of the YCM Art de Vivre la Mer;
  • Commit to respecting these virtuous practices to "Navigate Clean, Navigate Better".
  • In this context, four main themes will be discussed throughout the day:
    New destinations: Respect & Preservation of Shipping & Coastal Areas
  • Sustainable ports of call, moorings & anchorages
  • Routine maintenance in harbour and at sea:
    Protection, Maintenance & Management of General Waste & Emissions
  • New energy sources for propulsion: Sail, Electricity & Hydrogen

Finally, on the evening of Thursday 28th March, HSH Prince Albert II will present the first YCM Explorer Awards, followed by a summary of the 9th Environmental Symposium, which Bernard d'Alessandri will propose to yacht owners during a private dinner.

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