Porsche GT Owners Community - Born In Flacht | Superyacht News
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Porsche GT Owners Community - Born In Flacht

If you already own a Porsche GT, then you will know that you are a member of a select group of automobile owners but there's now a new international community that will help make ownership more rewarding.

That's because ‘Born In Flacht’ is a GT Community aimed at boosting enjoyment in the superlative car.
Just to underline the exclusiveness of the ‘Born In Flacht' Community, you will be asked for your GT's vehicle identification number. As a verified GT driver, you´ll become a member of the new international GT scene.
For those owners who may not know it - the race cars and motorsport-derived cars of the Porsche brand are developed in Flacht, a small town about 25 km to the west of Stuttgart/Zuffenhausen, hence the name.


Porsche GT Club

New Porsche GT community

Now the new GT Community says it will organize road trips, as well as track days and other exclusive events to raise the level of interest in an excellent automobile.
These events will be on and off the racetrack and not just in Europe but wherever Porsche GT owners are able to congregate.
There will also be experts on hand at gatherings to help owners enjoy the ultimate driving experience from one of the best-made cars available today.
The exclusive 'Born In Flacht' Community has also unveiled an app (iOS & Android) with lots of features and the ability to connect with other Porsche GT enthusiasts within a closed community.
Among the facilities will be the ability to share videos and photos of racing and driving experiences with other members of the community.

News and events from the GT scene

There will also be a dedicated blog for the exchange of news and events from the GT scene – and no doubt there will be coverage and details of the upcoming GT models.
Along with exclusive events, which members can access using the app’s event calendar, it's a great way to interact at an international level with other happy Porsche GT owners.
The new GT community was born in Flacht with 20 GT enthusiasts getting together to organize the group and now ‘Born in Flacht’ will push the international boundaries to enable others to share their experiences and joy of ownership.
If you are the owner of a Porsche GT and are interested in joining the community, then you will need to visit their website www.born-in-flacht.com to begin the process.

Porsche GT Community

Video of Michael Hiller, member of the club, driving his Porsche 911 GT3
Images Credits:
Cover: ©Staud Studios
Article Images: ©Michael Hiller, ©Torsten Volk


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