“The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration. They should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.” -- The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls, 1900.
Enigmatic History
What was once a fantastically imaginative musing over a century ago by the co-founder of the eminent luxury automotive brand has achieved reality in 2023. Rolls-Royce is currently taking commissions for delivery of this new model in late 2023. Spectre heralds not just the first fully electric model for the brand, after years of strategic development, but the ultimate evolution of an ultra-luxury marque whose goal has always been providing demanding clients with a magic carpet ride.
As 2022 was winding down, Rolls-Royce tantalized us with press releases, images, and specs; hubbub ensued, and we entered 2023, anticipating – as we often do – that the future would be not only better and brighter, but bigger as well. And indeed, it is with a chassis incorporating elements as diverse as modern yacht design, haute couture, and contemporary sculpture. All these elements seamlessly coalesce to produce an eerily noiseless, eminently smooth-riding, immensely refined, yet utterly exciting vehicle. Spectre promises to deliver an ultimate magic carpet ride for repeat owners -- and curious new clients -- of this storied brand. And, like Charles Rolls’ prescient imaginings over a century ago, it’s an idea whose time has, at long last, come.
Back in the early 1900s, the idea of electric cars would seem quite the natural progression for a marque the world still views as embodying quiet refinement, uncompromising luxury, and easy, nay, pleasurable and effortless driving. This is certainly not Rolls-Royce’s first rodeo. They had made earlier attempts to develop EVs in 2011 and 2016. Spectre herself has gone through several years of near-obsessive development to entice existing clients and seduce new, eco-conscious, yet still very demanding customers. It shows.
Extrasensory Engineering
How different is Spectre? Beyond electrification, the edits are subtle, and that’s part of her appeal. Unlike other popular electric vehicles, many over various price points, Rolls-Royce has made no shortcuts on Spectre, no downsizing, and certainly no reductions in weight or quality amenities to increase power or range. In Spectre, Rolls-Royce has optimized both size and space, which, along with time, are the world’s most precious commodities.
It is in poor taste to discuss a lady’s curb weight; at over 6,500 pounds, Spectre is statuesque, tipping the scales more than most mid-size SUVs, even exceeding the same length by 20 inches. While Rolls-Royce’s previously updated press releases caution that statistics are subject to future revision up until market launch, what we do know is that Spectre is “Rolls-Royce in high definition,” according to engineers working on the project. As with HD, it’s now what we’ve come to expect. Her range is likely up to 260 miles on a full charge, and, with her 577 hp powertrain producing 664 lb/ft of torque, Rolls-Royce anticipates Spectre drivers will enjoy going from 0-60 mph in 4.4 seconds. Although she shares her aluminum spaceframe architecture with her Phantom and Ghost sisters, Rolls-Royce has re-designed Spectre from the ground up, with the battery placement accounting for sound-deadening and an increase in frame rigidity of some 30% over other models. For Spectre, this is the culmination of over 1.5 million miles of testing on various track and real-world road conditions.

Photos: Rolls-Royce Media | Words: Janine Devine