Fast, Fabulous Silver: Responsible Luxury
Silver is a white metal with an atomic number of 47, produced by nucleosynthesis in supernova explosions. Silver is also an incredibly fast, ultra-chic, high performance line of yachts produced in similarly dramatic fashion at a shipyard in Western Australia. Both are extremely desirable. One, however, speeds effortlessly across oceans, in simple, efficient luxury, intent on thrilling, pampering, and pleasing the privileged passengers on board, while redefining what it means to sit in the lap of ethical, responsible luxury.
Coming to launch with expectations built from stellar predecessors Silver, Silver Zwei, and Smeralda, Silver Fast echoes the shipyard’s signatures of aluminum construction, slim beam, and efficient operation, dovetailing in with safety, luxury, comfort, stability, and, of course, speed.reaching 29 kts. under ideal conditions, Silver Fast makes the passage from Australia to Europe in 21 days with just one refuel. She boasts the fastest length-to-speed, long-range passage of any aluminum yacht under conventional propulsion, with a range of 4,500 nm at 18 kts., increasing to 6,500 nm at 14kts.
In the Beginning
SILVERYACHTS began as Hanseatic Marine, working hand in hand with innovative designer Espen Øino, teaming for the first project together in 2003. Rebranded as SILVERYACHTS in 2014, the team has proven successful. Awards have come, fast and furious, with accolades and praise for everything from quality and safety to luxury and sustainability. From Show Boats and Boat International Awards in 2008 for Silver and in 2013 for Smeralda, to a fistful of industry awards for superior construction and business operations, SILVERYACHTS exemplifies how to do things right.
From the first word spoken, through design, construction, launch, and sea trials of each project, the SILVERYACHTS team is hands on, thinking critically, pushing boundaries, designing uncompromising yachts and applying an extraordinary mortise and tenon philosophy to function and efficiency. The build moves through 150 professionals at the 6,000 square meter yard at the Australian Marine Complex in Fremantle, Western Australia, taking each task to impeccable standards.
Housed under the same roof, two building halls, an 8,065 ton lift capable of raising 140 meter yachts, a fit-out hall, an interiors division, design offices, and workshops are all dedicated to creating the next SILVERYACHTS masterpiece. Painting and fairing, leatherwork and cabinetry, upholstery and textiles are all executed at the yard by the skilled craftsman of the SILVERYACHTS team, expressing a love of yachting in the perfection of their work. Every part of every yacht receives the same intense scrutiny.