Les Sables d’Olonne, June 8, 2024 - The prestigious New York Vendée Les Sables d’Olonne solo transatlantic race is drawing to a dramatic close. With skippers battling fatigue, changing weather conditions, and intense competition, the final stages promise excitement and high tension. Here's a detailed look at the latest developments in this grueling maritime contest.
As the leading contender, Charlie Dalin aboard MACIF Santé Prévoyance is poised to clinch victory. Expected to finish first between 2300 and 0200 local time on Saturday night, Dalin’s arrival is eagerly anticipated. However, celebrations are temporarily on hold until sufficient water levels in the famous Channel of Les Sables d’Olonne allow his yacht to dock safely.
Sunday morning should see Dalin making a triumphant entry around 0900hrs, basking in the early summer sun and the welcoming scents of freshly baked bread and croissants from La Chaume’s boulangeries and cafes. Conditions are set to be ideal, making for a picturesque return to the Vendée Globe pontoon in Port Olonna.